Beijing Municipal Health Commission Held Celebration for the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC and the "Two Excellences and One Advance" Commendation Meeting
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

On July 1, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission held a celebration for the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "Two Excellences and One Advance" commendation meeting, solemnly commending outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots party organizations in the capital's health system. Zhong Dongbo, secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Health Commission, attended the meeting and gave a theme party class on "Deeply Understanding and Grasping Several Major Issues of the Second Combination". Pan Suyan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Health Commission, presided over the meeting. Members of the leadership team of the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Municipal Disease Control Bureau, and the Beijing Hospitals Authority, the "Two Excellences and One Advance" winners, representatives of senior party members who had spent "glorious 50 years as a party member", and representatives of party members and cadres of the Municipal Health Commission organs, its directly affiliated units, and municipal hospitals attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the participants watched the party building publication film of the Municipal Health Commission system. Zhang Chunlei, member of the Party Committee of the Municipal Health Commission and head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group at the Commission, read out the "Two Excellences and One Advance" commendation decision of the Municipal Health Commission Party Committee. The leaders of the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Municipal Disease Control Bureau, and the Beijing Hospitals Authority awarded certificates and medals to the "Two Excellences and One Advance" winning individuals and group representatives and awarded the "Glorious 50 Years as a Party Member Medal" to the representatives of senior party members.

It was pointed out at the meeting that since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Municipal Party Committee, party organizations at all levels and the Communist Party members in the municipal health system have thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully played the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and party member pioneers and models, actively participated in the fiery practice of high-quality development of health work, provided the people with all-round and full-cycle health services, and made significant contributions to maintaining the safety of the capital and building an internationally first-class harmonious and habitable city. In this process, a large number of outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots party organizations with distinctive characteristics of the times and outstanding work performance have emerged. In order to set a benchmark to inspire spirit, commend advanced people and promote positive energy, and motivate party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels in the whole system, the Party Committee of the Municipal Health Commission decided to commend 100 Communist Party members, 50 party workers and 50 grassroots party organizations, and awarded them the titles of "Excellent Communist Party Members of Beijing Municipal Health Commission", "Excellent Party Workers of Beijing Municipal Health Commission" and "Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations of Beijing Municipal Health Commission".

It was required at the meeting that the party members and party workers should take the commended outstanding individuals as examples, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, adhere to their political positions, and persevere in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to arm their minds, guide practice and promote work. Party organizations at all levels should learn from the commended advanced collectives, conscientiously implement the requirements of "Understanding Beijing from a political perspective", earnestly perform the various duties stipulated in the Party Constitution, closely focus on the construction of the "four centers" functions of the capital, implement the main responsibility of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and guide the party members, cadres and workers to transform the spiritual power of learning advanced models into a powerful driving force for doing their jobs well and promoting the high-quality development of the capital's health undertakings, to continuously make new achievements in various reform, development and stability work.

It was emphasized at the meeting that the whole party is currently carrying out party discipline learning and education, and party organizations at all levels in the health system should lead the party members to continue to promote party discipline learning and education in depth. With strict discipline, we will gather strong synergy, fully reflect the results of party discipline learning and education in practical work, achievements, and effectiveness, fulfill the mission and tasks entrusted to the health system by the Central Municipal Party Committee with a good spirit, and continue to write a health answer sheet that is worthy of the times and the people.