Municipal Health Commission Dispatched Immediate Complaints Handling Reform and Safety Production of System
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

On June 14, 2024, the Municipal Health Commission organized the 6th meeting of the system for immediate complaints handling and work safety promotion in 2024. Zhong Dongbo, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Health Commission, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Leaders and heads of departments of the Municipal Health Commission, the Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Disease Control Bureau, and the Beijing Hospitals Authority, as well as the main leaders, leaders in charge, and heads of departments of the health commissions of various districts and various medical and health institutions attended the meeting. Liu Juncai, Director of the Municipal Health Commission, presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, Chen Hang, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Commission, reported the results of the assessment of the "three rates" of immediate complaints handling in May 2024 and gave work reminders. Li Ang, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Commission, reported on the 11th round of special inspections on immediate complaints handling in medical institutions and made arrangements for the next special supervision and inspection. Yanqing District Health Commission and Beijing Boai Hospital of China Rehabilitation Research Center introduced their experience in carrying out the work of immediate complaints handling, and Pinggu District Health Commission spoke on continuously strengthening and improving the work of immediate complaints handling.

It was required at the meeting that we should further improve our political position and fully recognize the importance of immediate complaints handling. We should further strengthen our sense of purpose and insist on thinking about what the people think and what the people are anxious about. We should further strengthen our consciousness and proactive governance to handle the complaint before it happens. We should always adhere to the source to dig deep into the root causes of problems, sort out the high-frequency and common problems with concentrated demands, and carry out work in a targeted manner. We should always adhere to improving the quality of daily service work and form a working atmosphere of early prediction, active participation, and active resolution. We should strengthen the construction of leading research and dispatch and the complaints handling team, accurately identify the shortcomings in the handling of complaints, and grasp the real situation of patients from the source.

It was required at the meeting that the entire system should do a solid job in production safety with stricter standards. We must adhere to the Party's leadership over safety. The main leaders of the Party and the government should always adhere to the principles of shared responsibility between the Party and the government, dual responsibility for one position, joint efforts, and accountability for dereliction of duty. We should strictly follow the list of major accident hazards issued by the National Health Commission and the requirements of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on the investigation and rectification of safety hazards in production and do a good job in rectifying problems found during supervision and inspection and rectify problems and hidden dangers found by the Municipal Health Commission during supervision and inspection. We should strengthen the investigation and rectification of historical problems, and effectively perform the comprehensive coordination responsibility and the main responsibility for rectifying problems. It is necessary to strengthen supervision, inspection, and accountability, formulate protective measures for problems found during inspections, establish checklists and ledgers, and conduct reviews, to ensure that hazards are cleared in time.