Municipal Health Commission Organized Annual Business Training 2024 For System on Integrated Interactive Communication Platform
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

On April 23, 2024, the Municipal Health Commission organized and held the annual business training 2024 for system on integrated interactive communication platform. Wang Jianhui, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Municipal Health Commission, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, focusing on the following five aspects, namely increasing attention, consolidating work responsibilities, strengthening team building, building working mechanisms, and paying attention to methods, proposed specific requirements that the entire system should adhere to the people-centered principles, and we should better solve problems for the people. More than 130 people from the district health commissions, tertiary hospitals, the "one committee and three bureaus" of the municipal health commission and the heads of responsible departments of directly affiliated units participated in the training.

The training was based on the "Beijing Work Plan on Adhering to the People-centered Promotion of Integrated Online Government Construction", "Interactive Response Work System for Beijing Municipal Government Website (Trial)", "Implementation Rules for Beijing Municipal Government Website and Government Affairs New Media on Simple Consultation and One Working Day Reply" and other documents, the responsible comrades of the "Capital Window" Operation Management Center and the Publicity and Education Center of the Municipal Health Commission were invited to give lectures on how to handle correspondence on the municipal government portal and the key points of the integrated interactive communication platform. Representatives from Shunyi District Health Commission and Peking University Third Hospital shared relevant business experience in managing an integrated interactive communication platform.

It is understood that in 2023, the integrated interactive communication platform of the Beijing health system handled more than 3,000 consultations, suggestions, and letters of appeal from citizens, which promoted the effective resolution of urgent, difficult, and anxious problems of citizens, and was fully recognized by superior business departments. In 2024, the municipal health system will include the business handling status of the integrated interactive communication platform into the system-wide weekly notifications, monthly reviews, and annual assessments for immediate complaint handling.