Family Doctors and Contracted Citizens Cooperated for Health on "World Family Doctor Day" 2024
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

On May 18, the theme publicity event of "World Family Doctor Day 2024" and Beijing's seventh health carnival on "5·19 Doctogether", guided by the Primary Health Department of the National Health Commission and the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, and jointly organized by the Beijing Community Health Promotion Association, the Beijing Community Health Association, and the Haidian District Health Commission, was held in the Old Summer Palace.

The employees from tertiary hospitals, private hospitals, and functional units in Beijing, as well as family doctors and contracted citizens from more than 300 community health service centers participated in the event. About 1,300 participants formed 18 square teams. There were connective and interactive activities with the promotion activities on "World Family Doctor Day" in six provinces including Shandong, Guangdong, Hainan, Gansu, Xinjiang, and Sichuan.


Zhu Hongming, Deputy Director of the Primary Health Department of the National Health Commission, Wang Jianhui, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, and Lin Hang, Deputy Director of the Haidian District People's Government of Beijing, attended the event and extended holiday greetings to family doctors who are working hard on the front posts at the primary level. They encouraged all sectors of society to publicize and popularize family doctor contract service policies, create a strong atmosphere of concern and support for family doctor contract services, guide more people to sign contracts, and solidly promote the high-quality development of contract services with practical actions.

At the event, representatives of the contracted citizens sent flowers and expressed their sincere gratitude and heartfelt wishes to the family doctors.


Ding Jing, Secretary-General and Chief Physician of the General Practitioner Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, as a representative of family doctors, solemnly read out the "Proposal on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Family Doctor Contracting Services".

The “5·19 Doctogether” health carnival of Beijing has been held for six consecutive years since 2018. There are our major theme sections of the carnival this year.

Family doctors sign the policy promotion on "Six Extensions and Twenty Articles"

At the event, more than 20 specialists and general practitioners communicated with citizens to let them understand how and where to sign, and what services they can obtain, etc., to improve the accessibility of contracted services. Chronic disease experts from tertiary hospitals provided on-site guidance for citizens’ questions, and conducted free health clinics, showing the sincerity of family medical services.

Two-way endeavor to promote health together

Along the activity route, healthy sports supply points, party building cultural promotion, and "six extensions" display areas for family doctor signings were set up, allowing participants to burn calories and relay health knowledge in a joyful festival atmosphere, and use practical actions to interpret the concept of "fun walking, healthy life".


Popular science and intelligent testing to promote health

A smart health experience area and a health science gallery are set up at the end of this event. A series of smart health methods and technological innovation equipment are refreshing for everyone. Citizens can learn about their height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen, body temperature, fundus blood vessels and macula and other indicators, through the smart health management system. Data analysis reports were automatically generated to help experiencers understand their physical and mental health conditions, allowing residents to experience the convenience of technology and the joy of health.

Party building leads to gather force for high-quality development

Party organizations at all levels and units, closely adhering to the theme of "high-quality development", gave full play to the leading role of party branches and party members in promoting family doctor contract services. The Beijing Medical and Health Association and the Party Committee actively organized and coordinated the representatives of medical and health associations to participate in this event to promote the innovative development of grassroots medical and health services.