“Scientific Weight Control for Long-Lasting Health” Performance Theming "World Family Doctor Day" Held on May 19thin Beijing
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

On May 16, 2024, under the guidance of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, sponsored by the Beijing Community Health Association and the Beijing Community Health Promotion Association, and hosted by the Beijing Dongcheng District Health Commission and the Beijing Dongcheng District Community Health Service Management Center, the “May 19th World Family Doctor Day” themed performance was held at the Dongcheng District Cultural Center.

Zhang Bingli, the second-level inspector of the Primary Health Department of the National Health Commission, Wang Jianhui, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, Tong Lizhi, Deputy Director of the Dongcheng District People's Government, and other relevant leaders attended the event. More than 200 family doctors from Beijing community health service institutions and community resident representatives participated in the performance.

In his speech at the event, Zhang Binli, the second-level inspector of the Department of Primary Health of the National Health Commission, extended his respect and holiday greetings to all family doctors and all medical staff who have worked hard to promote national health. He hoped that health administrative departments at all levels will strengthen overall planning and coordination, improve the family doctor contract guarantee mechanism, and provide residents with better services. At the same time, we hope that medical workers will improve their service capabilities, provide the people with all-round, high-quality health services throughout the life cycle, and work hard to build a healthy Beijing and a healthy China.

Wang Jianhui, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, fully affirmed the achievements of the Beijing family doctor team in protecting the health of residents and the spirit of selfless dedication and great love of the doctors. He emphasized that the family doctor team has played an important role in promoting the construction of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, optimizing service processes, and proactive health services. He hoped that the primary health workers will continue to work with full enthusiasm and practical services to make greater contributions to optimizing family doctor contract services.

The winners of the National May 1st Labor Medal, the Capital May 1st Labor Medal, and representatives of the Capital Labor Medal-winning units received flowers at the event. The outstanding representatives of primary health workers came to the stage to receive warm applause and respect from the audience.

At the event, the primary health workers from all districts across Beijing participated in the World Family Doctor Day performance with self-written, self-directed and self-acted programs, and presented wonderful performances to World Family Doctor Day. Leaders from the National Health Commission and the Beijing Municipal Health Commission issued plaques to outstanding community health service organizations that have won the "Innovation and Training Base of Beijing Family Doctor Contracting Service". In 2024, a total of 10 community health service agencies in Beijing were approved as the "Innovation and Training Base of Beijing Family Doctor Contracting Service", opening a new chapter in innovation to create a demonstration model for family doctor contracting services in Beijing and promote the high-quality development of family doctor contracting services.

The performance fully showed the style of family doctors in Beijing and a good image of family doctors. In addition, more residents learned about family doctor contract services through the performance, creating a good social atmosphere for improving the quality of contract services.