Learn to Clear Discipline and Original Intention, Gain Knowledge to Promote Action and Loyalty——Beijing Municipal Health Commission held a class for retired cadres in the health system
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

From April 25 to 26, the Municipal Health Commission held a system retired cadre class 2024 to cultivate a positive outlook on aging, promote healthy aging, and solidly promote the study and education of party discipline in the retired cadres and make it deep and practical. More than 100 representatives of retired cadres and staff from various units in the system participated in the training.

The class focused on party discipline study and education, and took the interpretation of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China" as the first course. Yang Yuncheng, a professor at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee, comprehensively interpreted the significance and gist of the revision of the "Regulations" and how to enhance the study and implementation of the "Regulations". He guided the staff and retired cadres to use party discipline and laws as a "mirror" and negative examples as a "warning" to cultivate a political character of loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility. Professor Zhang Guojun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Children's Hospital and an expert in neurosurgery, delivered a speech titled "Being the First Person Responsible for Health—Knowledge from the Perspective of Brain Function Research" to help the retired cadres learn wisdom from the development of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, understand health and actively practice the knowledge, and spread the health concepts and build a solid foundation for the health of retired comrades. Professor Chen Xinyu from the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee interpreted family traditions and family mottos, guided senior comrades to manage their families strictly and cleanly, to promote the integrity and simplicity of the party and government. Tong Lihua, a well-known lawyer, interpreted the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly in the digital era, helping the retired comrades to better adapt to and integrate into the smart society. By explaining the law with cases, Tong Lihua introduced the legal knowledge closely related to the elderly, to promote the retired staff to act in accordance with the law, follow the law when encountering problems and rely on the law to solve problems. During the training sessions, a platform for health was set up and led the retired comrades to practice the ninth set of radio gymnastics. Combining movement and stillness, as well as work and rest, the practice helped the retired comrades learn with a better mental state.

The class for retired cadres focused on the main line of party discipline learning and education. Combined with the needs and expectations of retired comrades, experts in various fields were invited to introduce the knowledge for family tradition to cultivate integrity, the rule of law to promote integrity, and health to support integrity. The retired comrades stated that the class was held at the beginning of party discipline study and education to help them clear up problems, and learn firstly and deeply. The newly revised "Regulations" covers a wide range of areas, providing the specific requirements for the retired cadres, which promotes the extension of supervision from "career cycle" to "full life cycle".