​Beijing Municipal Health Commission Held Working Meeting on Strengthening Ideological and Cultural Construction of Health Publicity in Beijing
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

On April 15, the Municipal Health Commission held a working meeting on strengthening the ideological and cultural construction of health publicity in the capital. The persons in charge of publicity departments of the Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Beijing Hospitals Authority, the district health commissions, the Social Affairs Bureau of the Economic Development Zone of Beijing, all tertiary hospitals, and units directly affiliated the commission attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the responsibilities and related work plans of the ideological and cultural construction of health publicity leading group were introduced, and the "Work Plan on Strengthening the Ideological and Cultural Construction of Health Publicity, Beijing Municipal Health Commission of the Communist Party of China (2024-2026)" was explained in detail, and arrangements were made for the next work tasks.

It was pointed out at the meeting that strengthening the ideological and cultural construction of health publicity in the capital is a specific measure to implement the relevant spirit of the National Health Commission and the Beijing Municipal Party Committee. It is a practical need to promote the reform and development of health services in the new era. The Party Committee of the Municipal Health Commission has made overall plans and promoted it at a high level, establishing a leading group for the ideological and cultural construction of health publicity in the capital, and formulating and issuing the "Work Plan on Strengthening the Ideological and Cultural Construction of Health Publicity in the Capital (2024-2026)" (BJHealth Interest [2024] No. 1).

It was required at the meeting that the publicity departments of all units should strengthen their responsibilities, adhere to the example standard, and strive to promote the ideological and cultural construction of health publicity in the capital. The firstis to unify ideological understanding. The publicity departments of all units should attach great importance to it, improve their positions, open up new patterns, and be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, focus on major issues in health reform, and strengthen theoretical learning, research interpretation, and transformation of results. The secondis to strengthen overall planning and coordination. The publicity departments of each unit should make systematic and overall plans, clarify the functional positioning of the departments, and continuously improve the pertinence and effectiveness of publicity, ideological and cultural construction. The thirdis to do a good job in implementing the relevant work. The publicity departments of each unit should formulate implementation measures, clarify task lists, and strictly follow the time points to promote the ideological and cultural construction of health publicity in the capital.