Epidemic Report (June 2024) on Notifiable Infectious Diseases in Beijing
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

1. Epidemic overview

In June 2024 (from 0:00 on June 1 to 24:00 on June 30), a total of 11,242 cases of 21 notifiable infectious diseases and 22 deaths were reported in Beijing. The reported diseases are mainly Viral Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, Scarlet Fever, Syphilis, COVID-19, Influenza, Other Infectious Diarrhea, Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, etc.

2. Health tips

At present, it is the summer vacation and the main flood season, and the risk of foodborne diseases, insect-borne diseases and intestinal infectious diseases increases. In the hot summer, here some health tips for the citizens. First, pay attention to food safety. Do not eat raw food or drink raw water. It is recommended to eat cooked food, drink boiled water or bottled water, and store cooked food at room temperature for no more than two hours. Second, pay attention to environmental ventilation and maintain home and environmental hygiene. Closed places and rooms should be ventilated frequently to maintain air circulation. It is necessary to clean up stagnant water in time to reduce the habitat of mosquitoes. Third, pay attention to protection before outdoor activities, and reduce long-term sitting and lying in grasslands, woods and other environments. It is recommended to pay attention to personal protection, wear long-sleeved clothes or apply repellent on exposed skin. Fourth, when traveling, it is necessary to pay attention to the epidemic situation of infectious diseases in the destination, understand whether there is a risk of transmission of epidemic diseases there, and follow official travel recommendations. When dining out, it is necessary to pay attention to choosing regular hotels or restaurants with good hygiene conditions. Fifth, if there are patients with diarrhea and vomiting around you, you should pay attention to personal protection, and disinfect the patient's feces and vomit in a standardized manner to avoid cross infection. You could seek medical treatment in time if necessary.