Recently, the dispatch center of the Beijing Emergency Center received a call for help: "A patient is unconscious and needs immediate rescue." The dispatcher quickly asked for the location and sent the nearest ambulance crew.
The dispatcher continued to stay on the line with the caller and quickly assessed the patient's condition. At this point, the patient was unresponsive, not breathing, and there was a risk of choking on vomit. The dispatcher immediately instructed the family member to perform CPR: “Please move the patient to a firm surface and tilt her head to one side. One person should clear the patient's mouth and nose, ensuring the airway is open, while the other should kneel beside the patient, loosen her clothing. Place one hand's heel on the center of the chest at the nipple line, place the other hand on top, keep the arms straight, and press downward with force—at least 5 cm deep. Follow my rhythm: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4…” The dispatcher carefully listened to the family performing CPR and corrected their technique as needed. "Doctor, my mom is responding! Her hand moved!" came the excited cry from the caller. “Stop compressions and check if the patient is breathing…”
Meanwhile, the Hualong ambulance crew of the Shijingshan sub-center received the command and rushed to the scene. On the way, the doctor contacted the family to gather more information and instructed the team to prepare medical equipment and medications. Upon arrival, the team quickly assessed the patient, and performed an ECG. The nurse cleared the oral and nasal secretions, took vital signs such as blood oxygen, blood pressure, and blood sugar, and established an intravenous line. After initial treatment, the patient was carefully transferred to the ambulance. The emergency team provided oxygen, monitored the patient's condition, reassured the family, and immediately contacted the hospital to activate the green channel. The team worked smoothly and efficiently, ensuring the patient was safely transported to the hospital for further treatment.
When accidents happen, the public's ability to assess and perform proper first aid on critically ill or injured patients in the "first moments" is a crucial first link in the rescue chain. In cases of sudden cardiac arrest, the golden time for performing CPR is only 4 to 6 minutes. If the "first witness" becomes the "first responder," providing timely, scientific, and effective on-site first aid can greatly improve the chances of survival.
Reminder from Beijing 120: If you find someone lying unconscious, quickly check for signs of consciousness and breathing, then call 120 immediately. Follow the dispatcher’s instructions and, if possible, provide on-site first aid to save lives within the golden window of emergency care.