Weekly First-aid Topic: Carry Health Information Cards in Case of Emergency
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

Recently, after completing a daily first aid mission, the ambulance crew of Dongcheng Emergency Center Station encountered a passer-by who intercepted the ambulance, slapped the window and shouted: "There is a person lying on the roadside over there and can't move!" The crew immediately brought medical devices and ran to the patient to check the condition. The patient was unconscious in the limbs and could not move. He had obvious chest pain and pale complexion. There is no family members around him and no identity information. While looking for the family members, the medical staff reported to the center and quickly conducted an on-site physical examination for the patient. It was initially diagnosed as acute extensive anterior wall myocardial infarction. The driver pushed the vehicle-mounted stretcher to the patient's side, and the crew worked together to move the patient to the ambulance and continued to treat him on the way. Due to the critical condition, the crew contacted the 120 dispatch and command center to coordinate a green medical channel and sent the patient to the hospital as soon as possible for further rescue. Thanks to the efficient on-site treatment and timely delivery to the hospital, the patient had a stent implantation in the hospital. His chest pain symptoms have disappeared and his vital signs are stable. On the afternoon of February 2, the family members came to the Dongcheng Emergency Center Station, expressed their gratitude with tears in their eyes, and presented the crew with banners and bouquets.

Here are some tips from Beijing 120 for patients with a history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies or the elderly who may face health risks at any time when going out alone. Family members should prepare a "health information card" in advance, with the cardholder's health status, medical allergy information and emergency contact person on it, and ask the patient to carry it with them at all times in case of emergency.