Weekly First-aid Topic: "Folk prescriptions" for treating scald are not reliable
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

Recently, the dispatch and command center of the Beijing Emergency Center received a call for help from a parent of a child. The child was 1 year and 3 months old and his face was scalded by hot porridge. The dispatcher hurriedly told the parent that they must not rub the scalded area indiscriminately, which may cause infection. It is recommended to use running water to rinse the wound continuously. If it is inconvenient to rinse, the parent could soak a clean towel in cold water and apply it to the scalded area to relieve the pain. A few minutes later, the ambulance took the child to a nearby hospital for further treatment. Fortunately, the child's face was mildly scalded and there would be no scar.

120 often receive calls for scald incidents of infants and children, most of which are scalded by hot water or hot porridge. In daily life, items containing high-temperature water and food must be placed out of the reach of children. Parents should pay much attention to children and keep an eye on their dangerous movements to prevent hidden dangers. In case of burns, it is necessary to rinse with cold water immediately, take off the clothes on the scalded area carefully. If the clothes are stick to the skin, you should not forcibly peel them off. You could cut the cloth carefully under running water. It is advised to soak the injured part in cold water to cool down if it is inconvenient to rinse with cold water. If it occurs on a large area of skin in the back, you could soak a clean towel in cold water and apply it to the injured part. Various "folk methods" or "folk remedies", such as applying soy sauce, toothpaste, sesame oil, incense ash, etc., have no therapeutic effect. Those methods will increase the risk of infection. In addition, antibiotics, disinfectants, red syrup, etc. should not be used by yourself, which may mislead the doctor's judgment on the degree of scalding. You should not puncture the blisters by yourself, which may cause infection. It is not advisable to apply ice directly to the wound. It will cause strong contraction of blood vessels under the wound surface, which will affect the recovery, and even causes secondary damage.