Weekly First-aid Topic: How to Prevent Norovirus
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

Norovirus infection may occur throughout the year, and the targets are mainly adults and school-age children. In recent days, it has been raining continuously for several days in Beijing, the temperature has dropped. The norovirus infection has shown a high incidence during the cold seasons of autumn and winter. Prevention of infection is the key point to learn about norovirus.

Norovirus is highly contagious. It often causes rapid transmission in densely populated places such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes at all levels.

Mode of transmission: Norovirus is mainly transmitted through the fecal-oral routes, such as ingestion of contaminated food and water, contact with patient's excreta or vomit, contact with contaminated hands, objects or utensils, contact with aerosols produced by vomit, etc.

Main symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea often occur after infection with norovirus. Vomiting is common in children, while diarrhea and watery stool are more common in adults. In addition, symptoms such as headache, chills, and muscle pain can also appear. In severe cases, symptoms of dehydration may occur.

Measures for prevention: "Norovirus" infectious diarrhea is a self-limiting disease. There are no vaccines and special drugs. Citizens should improve personal hygiene, food hygiene and drinking water hygiene, which is the key to preventing the disease. It is necessary to cultivate healthy habits such as frequent hand washing, avoiding unboiled water, and separating raw and cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination.