Weekly First-aid Topic: How to call 120 emergency center correctly?
From:Beijing Municipal Health Commission

Everyone knows that 120 is the "life hotline". You can call 120 for help in case of emergency. But once an emergency occurs, do you really know how to communicate with the dispatcher in the clearest and fastest way?

First of all, you need to keep calm when calling 120. Even if the patient is your relatives, friends or familiar people and the condition is very urgent, you should keep calm, and follow the dispatcher's instructions. Second, it is necessary to provide accurate addresses such as building number, unit number, and room number, and explain the reason for calling, symptoms of injury, age, and gender. During the epidemic, you should also cooperate with the dispatcher for the epidemiological investigation. The accurate injuries should be explained, such as vomiting blood, coma, or accidental injuries (such as injuries caused by car accidents, falling down stairs, etc.) You should also inform accurate addresses, such as "× Room, No.× × Lane, × Road, ×District", or “×location at ×floor of ×shopping mall, ×road, ×District". Third, the contact number should be informed and the phone should be kept available so as to guide self-help. Fourth, for circumstances such as fires, landslides, electric shocks, drowning, poisonous gas leaks, etc., it is necessary to explain the number of injured and the extent of the incident. Fifth, for unfamiliar environments, you can observe the surrounding bus stop signs and landmark buildings to provide references for ambulances. You must answer all the questions of the 120 dispatcher before hanging up the phone.